Solar Power | Solar City | The Clean Energy Transition

Written by: Matthew McGuire

Solar City Coverage

Chairman Elon Musk, just announced that Solar City has surpassed the 5 GWh/day benchmark. Their data is showing a massive increase in user demand over their short-term history. Musk is also working with Tesla Motors. It will be interesting to see how Tesla will grow in 2015 with the additional demand from Solar City. Imagine a near future where you power your car with left over energy from your residential solar power. Users in select areas of the country are already taking advantage of the clean energy movement.

The Southwest and Northeast have been able to connect with Solar City to generate clean energy, as well as saving money. The sections of the Southwest seem to have more sunlight overall. With the advancements in battery technology, areas with less sunlight per hour will soon be cost effective in the near future.

Currently we are stationed in southern section of Illinois. The main electric company in this region have issued a %20 increase in the upcoming year. There is little to no options for electric providers in this area, and the migration of Solar City to Illinois would be a big help for economical and sustainable growth.

One of the ways that we want to influence growth with Solar City is to show the areas of the country with the largest increases in demand for electricity.

The company is expanding to new areas, and those that apply for the service will have to pay it back the installation over a 6-8 year period with payments less than what one currently pays for their electric bill. After paying back the loan to install the panels, users will start to see a return on their investment in big ways.

Remember when I said that our area was going to see an increase in the next year. It will only get worse over the next 6-8 years for individuals that continue service with preexisting companies. Homeowners are going to need to empower themselves to avoid getting locked in to paying more money for energy that is leaving a larger ecological footprint, and producing unnecessary carbon dioxide.

Watch how Solar City is changing lives across the country.

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Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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