The Most Hyped Election in History | Editorial | Opinion

Donald Trump Signs The Pledge 25. Photo by: Michael Vadon / Wikimedia Commons

Written by: Matthew McGuire

Gov. Scott Walker, Wisconsin (R), announced his bid for the presidential race on Monday, July 13. This marks the 15th prominent Republican to formally start their campaign.

The Huffington Post has an interactive chart for the Republican Primary. These charts are updated daily, and bring in data from on the Web.

The Republican nominees will have more competition within their primary election. It will push the contenders to have stronger, and clearer platforms to push going into the debates. Ironically, Donald Trump is leading the pack for the GOP. Irony is an interesting element that plays on what we assume and final results. After the media storm and corporate blacklisting that Trump experienced following his racial remarks would lead one to assume his poll numbers would drop dramatically. There could be a chance that Trump is only trying to destroy the creditability of the GOP party to ensure a Clinton victory. After his first major outburst within his first month on the campaign trail, the leaders of the GOP party have already put Trump on notice. It will be interesting to see what Trump does next. Scott Walker has just entered the race, but will pose a threat to Bush, Cruz and Trump at the top of the GOP primary race.

The Huffington Post has also put together an interactive chart to visually see the rise in popularity with Bernie Sanders, and the base support for Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders is taking the Democratic Party by storm. The Vermont Senator has been taking on the unbalanced nature of the economy in the United States. It is refreshing to see a politician admit mistakes, and want to work towards creating solutions. Even if Sanders loses the race, he will have pushed Clinton to creating an economy reform bill, (that will hopefully focus on taxing the top %5 earners domestically) and that will be a major win overall.

Hillary Clinton is the steady force within the Democratic Party. Her position in the polling shows a clear lead. She will be presented with a strong fight during the debates going into the primary. Clinton has the experience going into this election, and the overall advantage.

This election has already seen more advanced media coverage than previous presidential elections. The debates will be especially interesting with the live fact-checking that will be taking place along with the nominees.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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