Fracking Creates Record-Setting Earthquakes in California & Oklahoma

Fracking and oil pipeline. Photo by: Fred Viljoen / unsplash.com

Environmental Tide in Favor for a Ban on Fracking

The people have spoken. Fracking causes earthquakes.

And with people, I mean scientists, geologists, journalists and academics all agree, hydraulic fracturing/fracking has not only caused more frequent earthquakes in Oklahoma, the United Kingdom, but also in California as well. The problem is now pushing Oklahoma lawmakers to take a stand.

The New York Times recently reported:

“On Monday, the state Corporation Commission asked well operators in a Connecticut-size patch of central Oklahoma to reduce by 40 percent the amount of oil and gas wastes they are injecting deep into the earth. The directive covers 411 injection wells in a rough circle that includes Oklahoma City and points northeast.” – Michael Wines 

If I complete one task on Earth, it will be to help transition away from oil and gas. Four countries around the wold have so far banned fracking. France, Bulgaria, Scotland and Germany all care about their people more than the United States and the United Kingdom. It is sad to have so many universities in our countries, only to be silenced by major media outlets. It is truly an honor to report honest news to a worldwide audience.

Fracking in Oklahoma

Let us take a look at the complete breakdown happening in Oklahoma first. KOCO.com in Oklahoma reported that from 2008-2012 there was an average of 32.4 earthquakes above a 3.0 a year. That is normal, and most likely before fracking begin in the state.

In 2015, Oklahoma recorded 857 quakes above a 3.0, compared to 32. 

In 2014, the state experienced 585 earthquakes. 

If those number do not alarm someone, the problem is the person not seeing that earthquakes destroy land, resources and infrastructure. Fracking can be directly linked to the rise in these earthquakes. Now let’s take a look at California.

Fracking in California

According to the new study by, connects a set of 2005 earthquakes near Bakersfield, California to wastewater disposal that potentially caused earthquakes several kilometers away. The earthquakes studied in the recent report occurred roughly five miles from the injection sites. Bakersfield, in Kern County, is roughly 50 miles from the San Andreas Fault.

Data from the U.S. Geological Survey shows that Oklahoma had 562 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater in 2014; California had 180.

As of Jan. 31, Oklahoma recorded 76 earthquakes of that magnitude, compared with California’s 10. Luckily, the residents of California have fought back against fracking after experiencing over 500 quakes in 2010.

No Fracking in Illinois

Currently, Illinois has stopped all production of fracking. Lower than average oil prices, and pressure against it from the public, has put a hold on the oil and gas companies. I sincerely hope that fracking is banned nationwide, and worldwide very soon.

The people of each state should clearly be able to see the damaging effects that the oil and gas industry continues to produce. In combination with the clean water crisis in happening in Flint, Michigan and other regions of the country, it will also put pressure on lawmakers not to risk contaminating storage areas for water. It is time for a transition to clean energy.

Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, wave, and piezoelectricity, (energy produced from movement). In an era of technology development, it is illogical to use and support oil and gas’ outdated methodology.

*Noted by the USGS.gov: ‘very few wastewater disposal wells produce earthquakes.’ My response to that is, a few is too many.


Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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