Exxon shareholders Reconsider their Position on Climate Change

Fossil fuels and climate change. Photo by: Pexels.com

62 Percent of ballots were in Favor or Climate Change Research Transparency

The Exxon Mobil Corporation announced on Wednesday that shareholders voted in favor of providing sufficient information regarding scientific research covering climate change.

This announcement was released on Wednesday along with Trump’s announcement of his decision on the Paris Climate Agreement. That decision will take place today at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Reuters reported:

‘Exxon Mobil Corp’s chief executive said on Wednesday the company would reconsider how it communicates the risks its faces from climate change after shareholders approved a measure calling for increased transparency.’

Regardless Trump’s decision today, our country will bounce back to catch up with other developed and developing countries with the use of renewable energy. In 2025 solar energy will be more cost effective in comparison to coal and natural gas. It is less than eight years away.

I find that Exxon is moving in the right direction. With all of their capital and revenue, the company should partner more with electric charging stations to build solar power panels to charge vehicles at a low cost.

After reading the book The Lean Startup, I find that energy companies overall need to be more adaptable to the changing of demand from consumers.

In addition to the shareholders demanding more transparency with the research covering climate change, they should also be concerned with the health impacts that drilling for fossil fuels creates overall. They can reform how they produce energy and regain marketshare in the energy industry.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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