If the Current Administration does Vote to Move Forward with Reforming Title II of the Communications Act; the People will need to Vote and Support Candidates into Office in 2020 to Reform the 2017 Legislation
The topic of major Internet service providers trying to control the speed and price of the Web is catching major traction today.
Net Neutrality is the debate on the amount of control the major corporations should have when providing Internet service.
In reality, if these companies start charging more than consumers can afford, it will hurt their ability to sell their product overall.
A top level narrative often talked about with mainstream media is the power that the major Internet providers have over the people. In reality, the people have all the power of demand. Without demand a company will have to decrease their supply, and consequently decrease their overall revenue.

A smartphone with books. Photo by: Pexels.com
I do support equality for all websites to be accessed with the same speed and cost to other websites. Once again, in reality not all websites are free, and we already have a large discrepancy with websites across the Web.
There is a reason some websites load faster, and that is they have they money to store the data on multiple servers around the globe. Their financial resources currently give the a competitive edge over smaller websites with less revenue to invest within server technology.
Very similar to the current failed healthcare bill circling Washington; reforming Title II of the Communications Act would only outrage the public into putting pressure on the politicians to reform the law.
Watch over a quick review of Net Neutrality by CNBC on YouTube.