The Bridge Between Web Development, Design and Programming from Front End to Back End

Design and Web development. Photo by: Pexels.com / rawpixel.com

The Value of Automation Within Programming and Design

Over the past few months I have been building a better understanding of design on the front end, as well as how to program and deploy code on the back end.

Each side of a website, application, email client, and program has its own level of difficulty and importance.

When I first started college, I went into an advisor’s office, and inquired about learning more on Web design. After six years of designing multimedia, I find myself wanting to learn more about back end programming as well. My desire to design is still deeply ingrained into my personality, but I also have a thirst to acquire new skills as I move forward in my career.

For those looking to expand their skills, in addition to find their niche, I wanted to share some ideas on the best way to find an area of programming and design that fits different engineers.

When I ask programmers about learning new code, they often reply with ‘what do you want to do with the code?’

It is an important question, and finding a long-term answer is even more important. Designers and developers need to look within their themselves to find what really interests them about writing code.

Server Side vs. Client Side

Developers that write code for primarily for the server to interact with is commonly known as server side. When designers and developers write code that clients and consumers interact with it is known at client side. 

This can help individuals when picking out a career path, or a new direction with their ongoing career.

For those more interested in having their work visually seen by the public, they may lean toward working on the client side of operations. If developing infrastructure on databases is more interesting, then moving to the server side might be a good fit.

As a business owner and Web developer, I have found the importance in both client and server side code, but overall, I would suggest individuals to pick one of the two, and specialize within that field to build the best route possible for career growth.

In some cases, people can choose a career path that is not focused primarily on income. For those that need more revenue to supplement a family and proper healthcare, choosing a field that has a higher return rate financially can be more vital.

Scope out the most popular back end programming languages via codecademy.com.

Back End Programming Languages

  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Python
  • Git
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • AngularJS
  • SQL

Additionally, I find that learning C+, Java, and Go are important tools within the back end. Explore some of the differences between Java and C coding with Android Authority.

For those more interested in design and client side coding, take a look at these programming languages.

Most of these languages will interact with a Web browser.

Front End Languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript

In the case of JavaScript, it can operate on the user side, as well as on the server. Explore some of these coding languages with a YouTube Playlist by Nafis’s Classroom.

Most schools in the United States are leaving many children behind with the advancement of automation in many workplaces. Take time to learn some new code each day, and engage with tools that will expand your skill sets.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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