The Senate Gains Support to Reinstate Net Neutrality Under the Congressional Review Act
Net Neutrality is not dead, but it is currently in a legal battle. That legal battle now extends past the private sector and will be analyzed by Congress with the Congressional Review Act.
If only Trump’s Fake News Awards would include the mainstream media’s misuse of the wording ‘killed/dead’ to describe the regulations of Net Neutrality. In reality, he will only focus on the recent moments where fake news has made his administration look unprofessional.
In regards to Net Neutrality being reinstated, The Hill reported that the Senate has reached 30 co-sponsors to enact the Congressional Review Act.
“We’ve reached the magic number of 30 to secure a vote on the Senate floor, and that number will only continue to climb. Republicans are faced with a choice — be on the right side of history and stand with the American people who support a free and open internet, or hold hands with the special interests who want to control the internet for their own profit.” – Senator Ed Markey
Even if the Senate can overcome a Republican majority in the voting, the bill would have to be overturned by President Trump. Since he appointed Ajit Pai to the head of the F.C.C. there is little chance that Trump will want to overturn this bill. That being said, if he doesn’t, it will further impact his chances of re-election in 2020.
Overall, it is excellent progress to showcase the ‘swamp’ of politicians that Trump claimed he would remove from Washington, but has made it worse by appointing Ajit Pai. Furthermore, Pai had to cancel a speech at CES 2018 due to death threats. Trump’s decisions are not only problematic, they are life threatening.
Watch the YouTube video below to find out more on the implications of Net Neutrality.