eMarketer Provides Insight Covering Financial Data with Online Advertising

The digitalization of advertising continues to evolve on the Internet. Each year publishers and producers look to capture attention online by paying for advertising.

There is a few tech companies that are leading the pack for advertising revenue. Browse over these companies and dive deeper into the upcoming trends.

Fast Company recently published an article with data from eMarketer. These numbers are measured by billions of dollars. The article displays data that was collected in September 2017.

Facebook Net Ad Revenue

  • 2016: $12.37
  • 2017: $17.37

Expected Growth

  • 2018: $21.57
  • 2019: $25.56

Google Net Ad Revenue

  • 2016: $29.43
  • 2017: $35.00

Expected Growth

  • 2018: $40.08
  • 2019: $45.69

Additional companies with data from eMarketer includes: Microsoft/LinkedIn, Oath, Amazon, Twitter, Yelp, Snapchat and many others.

This data provides insight on the amount of money these corporations are making each year with online advertising. As more people cut the cord from television it drives these numbers up even higher.

As a content marketing organization that currently collects a small amount of data and ad revenue from our users, we find ourselves wanting to be as transparent as possible about the data and revenue we collect.

When you experience an article on our site, you may see ads that are tailored to your interests via Google AdSense. Over the past several years the amount of precision has increased heavily to create the most effective advertising experience possible.

In 2017, we broke even with the amount of revenue we collected in comparison to overall operating costs. This marked the first year that we did not generate an overall loss. I started this company in 2010 to help bridge cultural gaps. As we produce more content, I also notice the amount of responsibility that our company has with our audience.

In some cases, media producers will buy space on social networks, pay for fake users, and attempt to create fictional data to make themselves appear more valuable to their audience. During 2017 we did not advertise online. Our revenue was created organically. In 2018, I do see our company possibly paying Google AdWords some revenue to obtain a larger audience via their search engine. One main difference our outlet will be doing in 2018 is producing more content. In 2017 we published over 700 articles. It our goal to produce that number in the first three months of 2018.

Watch the informative video from The Economist on YouTube to learn more about data brokers and how tech companies gather data to create engaging ads for consumers.
