Earth Day Ignites a Generation for an Increase in Renewable Energy

AN image of a lightbulb with a small plant growing inside. Photo by: Singkham / Pexels.com

Thursday, April 22 marks the celebration of Earth Day across the globe. Individuals around the world take time out of their day to conserve and restore the environment for future generations.

The act of planting trees on Earth Day is a great way to connect with nature, as well as helping create a cleaner environment. NBA Cares is currently hosting a way to support the environment by being a digital native.

Retweet the following post to help connect with their cause online.

Amazon and other tech companies are working to reduce their carbon footprint. Scope out some updates they have noted on Twitter today.

  • We’re working to power our operations with 100% renewable energy electric by 2025 (5 years ahead of schedule) and roll out 100,000 electric delivery vehicles recreational by 2030 to help reduce carbon emissions.
  • We’re making smarter packaging choices with smaller and lighter packages so we can pack more orders into every delivery and make fewer trips (and burn less fuel!).
  • Look for the ‘Climate Pledge Friendly’ seedling badge when shopping to find products that meet sustainability standards, according to trusted certifiers.

Watch the following YouTube video by the American Museum of Natural History to learn more about the recent trends within renewable energy.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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