Sofi Tukker has released BREAD and has the world listening on repeat. Grab a cold beverage and your preferred breaded dish, because we are taking a deep dive into their third record.
I’ve been listening to their music since 2018 and find this record to be some of their best work.
The band’s publicity team noted:
“BREAD. as in, carbs. as in, pure energy.
BREAD. as in, abundance. the opposite of scarcity.
BREAD. a celebration of sensuality.
BREAD. as in, gather together and break bread. You can break bread with family or strangers, and you can break bread in every language.
BREAD. as in, an invitation to devour life to the fullest.
BREAD is also an acronym for:
Be Really Energetic And Dance.
Because it’s that simple. That’s what we want you to do when you listen to this album.
Tuck and I have been in rehearsals all week for the BREAD live tour. We’ve been spending 16 hours every day in an enormous, dark room, running through the show, choreographing new songs, learning new parts, and I swear… every day goes by in an instant. As unglamorous as rehearsals can be, in a dark room with no windows, it’s one of my favorite parts of the job because I feel myself improving every day. I just sit there for hours playing the same guitar part over and over and over again and then three days later, when I can do something that I wasn’t able to do before, the internal satisfaction is immense. We are surrounded by creative, passionate people, and every second of the show is being cared for. The Bobs have been amazing to work with as always, the lighting designers, sound designers, video designers…it’s been such a privilege to be a part of and god, this show is gonna be fun.” – Sofi Tukker
The album was first brought to my attention when Sofi Tukker posted about doing different back exercises in a playful manner. I think I didn’t totally understand the assignment with their post and comment about using Diamond Dallas Page Yoga to keep the back stretched out. In a comically twist, they follow that communication with the first track to be released titled ‘Throw Some Ass’ from the album BREAD.
It provides an upbeat and danceable vibe. The visuals to the video were, well, let’s say Tukkerish.
The next song that was released from BREAD was ‘Hey Homie’. This slower track gave a juxtaposition to the first single. The behind the scenes video to the actual video is one of the many reasons I love this group. Their fearless attitude is admirable.
On the album release day, they release ‘Woof’ with the best marketing so far. I’m a dog lover and they delivered strong with this video and song. It reminded me of their video series during lockdown with a fun NYC twist.
“Cafuné” is a Brazilian Portuguese word that means “the act of caressing or tenderly running fingers through a loved one’s hair”.
The track ‘Cafuné’ is one of my favorite singles that has not yet been released. From the album artwork, to the attention to detail on each track, BREAD delivers in every way.
I look forward to seeing them live and hope the best for this group.
BREAD Tour Dates

BREAD tour dates featuring Sofi Tukker. Photo provided.