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Nudists, Mud People & Vince Herman

The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band was the first performance I caught on Friday before the mild rain storm. After the RPBDB set on the Dragon Stage from 1:17 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. I caught Kung Fu, a New Haven, Connecticut band with tons of danceable grooves. Their style reminded me of Galactic with a flavorful twist. On the way back to the campsite, I stopped by the Grassroots Stage to listen in to some of Vince Herman’s music, comedy and wisdom. After his set a fan inquired about his guitar pick.

Vince Herman and Andy Thorn

Vince Herman and Andy Thorn

Q. Hey Vince, can I have your pick? – Guest at All Good

No, sorry. I only have one. Life on the edge. (laughs) – Vince Herman

The All Good Music Festival was underway on Friday as heavy set clouds rolled above the festival grounds. I was at my campsite during most of the storm on Friday. The entertainment was cut short due to the weather, but the event staff worked diligently in tough conditions to make up for weather. My neighbors were some of the best characters to have around during a rain storm at a camping festival. They took the storm as an opportunity to party it up like rock stars in the pouring down rain.

Everyone Orchestra 4:30 p.m. – 5:05 p.m.

The rain cleared, and the musicians from the Everyone Orchestra took the damp stage by storm. Matt Butler, conductor for the Everyone Orchestra, discussed how the synergy in the group works on stage earlier this year in an interview with us recorded in April.

The EO sets are very unique at All Good because they are so short. It is like a 35 minute set. So, we say, “Let’s jam the f*ck out of this one.” Maybe we will kind of change into it, but you really have to get into faster. I love it, I really do love it. It’s a short set, but a huge crowd. It’s really fun. – Matt Butler

Dark Star Orchestra performed on the Dragon Stage after the Everyone Orchestra on Friday. It was my first time watching the band perform live, and I would like to thank them right now for their bravery on stage following the rain storm. The band moved into the first song of their set with cracks and pops projecting out of the speakers. The musicians and audio techs quickly worked on finding the solution to the audio connection. The band mentioned that it was one of their nightmares to be on stage during a performance and not be able to pinpoint a problem on stage. It took a little extra time to get the audio right after the storm, but once the band got started with clear audio it brought the crowd to life.

The DSO set drew a unique crowd compared to the Thursday crowd. Hess mentioned he noticed how the festival setup entertainment to have a deadhead theme with DSO starting things off on Friday. The theme continued into Saturday with a slew of guests spots and a remix of ‘Shakedown Street’ by Pretty Lights.

Leftover Salmon Dive Deep at Buckeye Lake
Leftover Salmon w/ Roosevelt Collier

Leftover Salmon w/ Roosevelt Collier

Leftover Salmon is a bluegrass supergroup from Boulder, Colorado that contains Vince Herman, Drew Emmitt, Greg Garrison, Andy Thorn and Jose Martinez. During their set on Friday the band brought up Roosevelt Collier to jam with collectively. The John Butler Trio also brought up Collier to the stage during their set to add the special sound of the slide guitar on ‘Zebra’. Collier was an Artist-At-Large during the weekend, and provided many memorable moments with different bands.

Nahko & Medicine for the People

One of the biggest surprises of the weekend for myself was the fulfilling set from Nahko & Medicine for the People on the Crane Stage during dusk Friday night. Guests cheered, danced and celebrated life with the band during their short and stout set. This past May I covered the Summer Camp Music Festival near Peoria, Illinois. When I was walking to my vehicle I was stopped by a guest to check the schedule of bands. I informed him when Nahko when was performing that weekend, and he replied, “Nahko is the only act I came here to see this weekend.” Nahko and his group build a tight bond with the audience, and it was clearly shown during their set on Friday, July 19 at the All Good Music Festival.

John Butler Trio Takes All Good to New Zealand

John Butler Trio plays music with a lighthearted sense of wonder and adventure. It is shown during his banter and improvised instances on stage and in the studio. ‘Ocean’ is one of his latest tracks that takes listeners on a 10 minute thrill ride on the acoustic guitar. It was a treat to hear the song performed live in Thornville, Ohio on a perfect night for weather. The sun stayed out extra late throughout the weekend with a complete sunset taking place after 9 p.m.

This is awesome. You guys look beautiful, this whole scene. I feel like I’m in Hobbiton or something right now. I feel like I’m in a the Shire. Am I in the Shire? Are we in the Shire? Do you all have hairy feet? (laughs) Nothing could be better than this right now, this moment. – John Butler

John Butler Trio

John Butler Trio

Primus in 3D

The music kept going after the JBT wrapped their set with the Digital Tape Machine from Chicago, Illinois. It was my second time seeing the band perform live, and I was extremely impressed with their set on Friday night at All Good. It felt like an emerging band putting down a solid set to earn their spot in the music scene. Originally, I was not thrilled with a side project idea, but after experiencing such a strong showing at All Good, I am now a Digital Tape Machine fan, and look forward to catching their next live performance.

Primus metaphorically spiked the punch bowl of entertainment with their typical brash fashion at the 2013 All Good Music Festival. Les Claypool makes everyone of his performances unique, exciting and fun to be apart of live in concert. Recently the band has been on a 3D tour with oversized astronauts, as well visual ads to bring out the different dimensions of the band’s artwork. Claypool did a great Tom Waits impersonation during some of his banter. He talked about recording a track with Waits in his early 90s.

Les Claypool - Primus

“Hey Les, I got your note. Yeah I will do the song.” – Les Claypool

STS9 Late Night at All Good 2013

Moments before STS9 closed down music on Friday, The Bridge rocked the crowd with a blend of traditional rock and elements of serval other genres of music. Their set was a solid way to gear up for the STS9 headlining late night set. Tonedeaf uploaded a live recording of the band’s performance to archive.org. Take a virtual ride back to Legend Valley with STS9.

STS9 at All Good 2013

STS9 at All Good 2013

Continue reading for Saturday’s Recap…


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[av_iconlist_item title=’Thursday – All Good 2013′ link=’manually,https://crescentvale.com/all-good-music-festival-thursday-july-18/’ linktarget=” linkelement=’both’ icon=’ue8cb’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Review from the 2013 All Good Music Festival.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Friday – All Good 2013′ link=’manually,https://crescentvale.com/all-good-music-festival-friday-july-19/’ linktarget=” linkelement=’both’ icon=’ue8cb’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Review and recap the happenings from Friday at All Good 2013.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Saturday – All Good 2013′ link=’manually,https://crescentvale.com/all-good-music-festival-saturday-july-20/’ linktarget=” linkelement=’both’ icon=’ue8cb’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Scope out the live events from Saturday at All Good Music Festival 2013.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Sunday – All Good 2013′ link=’manually,https://crescentvale.com/all-good-music-festival-sunday-july-21/’ linktarget=” linkelement=’both’ icon=’ue8cb’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Wrap up with the live music from Sunday at All Good 2013.

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