Abbey Road | Artwork by Jon Griffin

Crescent Vale by Jon Griffin

Artwork by Jon Griffin

Jon Griffin, artist and designer, has helped put together a beautiful and visual stunning illustration to celebrate our fifth year, and Umphrey’s McGee latest album that was recorded at Abbey Road Studios.

The band is highlighted in this photo to show support. They started following and supporting us in 2010, and have never left our side. Along with the band, we have had some loyal friends and family that have stuck by us as well. After five years, all I can say is, thank you. Good people are hard to find, so when they arrive, make sure you make room for them. Friends and family is also shown in this photo.

Griffin did an excellent job of bridging the first animated painting of our group from 2012 with this updated version. We plan to ask him to do another image in the near future of the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover to include more people. The downside is the amount of time it will probably take Jon.

We first connected with Griffin on a piece back in early 2012, and it immortalized one of my friends that had passed away since. Today also marks another one of my close friends anniversary of her death, Molly Young. She helped our outlet with photography, and was a great friend. You can view her work within our 2010 photos.

Art has a way of giving those that have passed away a second life on earth. It creates energy around their spirit. Every action creates a reaction. Within that reaction, we find peace and comfort knowing that those that helped put together Crescent Vale lives on in art.

Life is filled with decay and destruction. It is an honor to share a piece of uplifting artwork that bridges cultural gaps and provides a visual understanding of what friendship and kinship is all about.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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