'Frack Off!' to be Held on November 26 & 27 at 3 Oceans Winery
John Butler Trio quickly sold out 3 Oceans Winery in Western Australia to help raise awareness against fracking, and have announced a second show the following day.
The band is set to perform on November 26 & 27 with Mama Kin, The Pigram Brothers, Peter Rowsthorn and Ten Cent Shooters from 1:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
A second concert was announced after the first day sold out quickly. Frack Off! will also be held on Sunday November 27th at the same location, 3 Oceans Winery, www.3oceans.com.au, located between Busselton and Margaret River on the Bussell Highway. Tickets for this event have gone on sale this today at: www.3oceans.oztix.com.au.
John Butler’s main website noted:
‘Frack Off! presented by Jarrah Records, Gasfield Free Southwest and Lock the Gate will highlight the onshore gas industry’s current push to explore and drill in exploration leases covering nearly 50 million hectares of the state from the Southwest to the Mid West and the Kimberley.’
“Think about it this way: Who has the most to gain by telling you that the onshore gas industry is safe? The industry itself! We have nothing to gain by having an onshore gas industry in our state but everything to lose. OUR vested interest lies in our home and communities. Our Land. Our Water. THIS INVASIVE INDUSTRY puts our water, our tourism, our agricultural industries, our wineries and our health ALL at risk.
The ticket price is really cheap because we want as many people as possible to come along and get informed about what the gas industry has planned for our region and our state. We want the community to be empowered by knowing that we have a voice in this, and that there is something we can do about it. We can tell the gas industry to Frack Off! We can run these pirates out of town.” – John Butler
Fracking continues to be a global issue after several countries have banned the practice and focused on renewable energy. There is still some developed countries, even our own country in the United States, that continues to allow this unsafe method of energy production to continue to pollute the environment.
It is noble and endearing that the John Butler Trio helps take a stand against fracking and onshore oil drilling for the betterment of the environment. Below is a clip of John Butler explaining the event.
Frack Off! 2016