YouTube TV Reconnects Live Broadcast Entertainment to the Next Generation

YouTube TV on a digital device. Photo by: YouTube Help / YouTube

The Streaming Platform Is Now Available In Most Metro Cities Across the United States

An emerging trend is taking shape across the Internet with users leaving Facebook for YouTube according to CNBC report.

The report provides insight on the trend of YouTube overtaking Facebook in traffic within the near future. In addition, YouTube has recently launched two paid membership options featuring YouTube Premium and YouTube TV.

After being an independent producer with YouTube for over three years, and producing film on their site for over ten years, I have come to build a thorough understanding of the company. If you are considering acquiring the service, please review my pros and cons to see the benefits and drawbacks from the platform.

Pros of YouTube TV

  • DVR, users can fast forward through commercials after the content has broadcasted.
  • Download movies and television shows to the a library.
  • The consistent price of $40 of month is manageable. My issue with cable companies is providing a manageable price for the first six months, and steadily increasing the price on the consumer. YouTube TV does charge more for premium channels such as Starz, and Showtime.
  • The free trial for one month was an excellent way to showcase the platform.
  • The YouTube TV app plays in the background of other applications on smartphones.
  • Families can add the application on their device, up to six people.
  • 60+ networks are available including: ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and more.

Cons of YouTube TV

  • They do provide original content from YouTube producers, but it was a little harder to find on the main screen. From a UX point of view, I would like to have a top navigation bar that the user can format.
  • Another element that I have been wanting to add to YouTube, and now YouTube TV is developing options for viewing local and regional producers. Hashtags are helpful, but an option within a navigation bar for users to build and create geographical ‘groups’ of producers would be helpful.
  • Commercials on live broadcasts.
  • The YouTube TV app on my Galaxy S9+ does crash often. Especially when changing between applications.
  • It would be interesting to have an option where users can see what big titles are currently playing. Similar to when you walk into a movie rental store, or a movie theater, have an area of the app where users can see an updated list of the current big titles being screened on one of the major networks connected to their account.

YouTube TV features shows from YouTube creators, YouTube Red Originals, and trending YouTube videos. Watch over the video below for more information on YouTube TV.

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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