Insight Covering Front End Development and UX Design

UX Design and people working together. Photo by: Kaboompics / Karolina / Pexels.com

Take a Tour Through Different Devices and Operating Systems

As a front end developer and user experience (UX) designer, I have seen the influx of new devices and operating systems create disruption within the tech industry.

One key component that I have noticed is that if a person wants to work on the front end of a website or application, they must first decide which operating systems they want to deploy their work on.

One of the best tools I have found to use on creating applications on multiple operating systems is PhoneGap by Adobe. When developing websites, I suggest using WordPress for the best compatibility.

Another key element to good development and design is wireframing and pre-planning.

Watch a YouTube video with insight by Johny Vino providing useful information on user experience design.

UX Design

Front End Development in 2018

Matthew McGuire: Matthew McGuire is the founder and editor of Crescent Vale News. He has acquired a master's degree in Professional Media and Media Management from Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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