Winter Storm  Expected to Cause Havoc Across the East Coast

There is a massive winter storm on the move known as Grayson. In the Northeast there is a ‘bomb cyclone’ moving across the Atlantic.

These two fronts are moving through the eastern section of the United States. In the Northeast there is a ‘bomb cyclone’ with high speed winds and in the Southeast they are experiencing a storm known as Grayson.

The Grayson storm is closing schools and bridges across the Southeast. The ‘bomb cyclone’ is still moving across the Atlantic Ocean.

Currently bridges in Charleston, South Carolina are being closed. Roads in South Georgia and Florida are getting hazardous.

For more on this winter storm browse over the data from The Weather Channel.

Climate change and global warming is still very real. One of the main elements to climate change is drastic weather changes.

This winter storm could produce one of the heaviest single day snowfalls on record in both Savannah and Charleston.

Watch a live stream of the ‘Bomb Cyclone’ moving across the Atlantic Ocean on YouTube via The Washington Post. Find out more about this storm with the AP video below.