Reality Garage and Galvanize in Boulder Hosting a UX + Virtual Reality Meetup During BIFF 2019
The Boulder International Film Festival is currently in the midst of a four-day event with a special virtual reality showcase taking place at Galvanize Cafe on Walnut Street in Boulder this weekend.
In addition to the feature films, documentaries, and short films; BIFF 2019 has connected with Reality Garage to host seven of their virtual reality projects. Guests can choose from a series of three Anthropocene films.
Additional virtual reality projects includes: 360 degree footage from breakthrough documentary Free Solo, rehearsal material leading up to the String Cheese Incident’s 2018 NYE run, sailing, social and race issues, and sky diving.

Guests test drive virtual reality projects at Galvanize in Boulder, Colorado. Photo by: Matthew McGuire
Guests can choose two of the films to screen in one setting. The screenings are free to the public.
“The VR selections we have for Anthropocene will be available from 3-5 p.m. in the BIFF Tent on Sunday. The tent is located on the corner of Pearl Street and 15th in Boulder.” – Olga, Venue Manager
On Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Galvanize will host an interactive panel with producers and directors to share insight on immersive filmmaking.
During my visit I was able to experience Free Solo 360 and practice footage with the String Cheese Incident.
The first project I viewed was Free Solo. A volunteer helped get the headset ready for me. They have headphones connected to the headsets. I was able to feel the height, size and magnitude of El Captain.
Smartphones users can either use a headset or see a 360 view from the device itself in the YouTube video above.
One part about viewing this project in a room with about a dozen other people is hearing the screams and laughs from a live audience. I strongly suggest more virtual reality producers work ways to do screenings with the same project being screened to a group of people at the same time. The collective experience was interesting to me.
The second project I checked out was rehearsal footage featuring the String Cheese Incident. Before the band’s NYE they worked together to polish material in the Sound Lab.
I really enjoyed virtual sitting in and listening to their process of working out material in the studio.
The virtual reality projects will be available until 8 p.m. on Saturday.
Watch over a playlist of films screening at the Boulder International Film Festival.